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Classroom Assignments

Classroom Assignments

“What’s the Process?”
Often,  parents ask us about the process we follow for assigning children to specific classrooms.  It is a very extensive and comprehensive process, but one that ultimately provides us, and most importantly the child, with the classroom assignment most appropriate for his/her individual needs.  The process begins with the current teacher’s assessment of the student.  This includes assessing academic growth, work/study habits and social/emotional development in both the general classroom setting and special area classrooms (Art, Music, Library, Physical Education, etc.).  This information is then brought to a meeting of the current grade level teachers, the teachers of the next grade level and me.   At this meeting we attempt to create heterogeneous classrooms representing an equitable distribution of boys and girls and factoring in the previously discussed areas.  Often these assignments are refined over subsequent meetings, taking into consideration the specific learning styles of each child and the teaching styles of potential teachers.  The whole process provides us with classrooms that are as evenly matched across the grade level as possible.  Additional items for our consideration in placement may include children with special needs, those who are physically challenged or experiencing a serious illness, familial factors and relationships with various classmates.  

If you wish, you can assist in this process by sharing with us any thoughts you may have regarding the instructional approaches, learning styles and strategies you believe have shown themselves to be most successful with your child. This provides us with valuable information regarding the best placement for your child for the next school year.  Please address your thoughts directly to me in the main office.  My policy is not to accept requests for specific teachers.

Should you have any questions regarding this process, as always, please do not hesitate to contact me.  Thank you!  

Shaun Rothberg
